Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sea Turtles Threatened by The People Visiting Miami Beach

By Alyce B.

sea turtles threatened by the people visiting Miami beach.

In the night dozens of freshly hatched sea turtles inch their way to the new life in the sea.
These turtle will face many challenges. the female sea turtles who make it to maturity return every summer to lay eggs of their own in nest that typically contain more than 50 eggs, because they must share their breeding ground with beach goers the sea turtles way of life is under increasing threat.

Egg poachers and vandals have destroyed a number of nest conservationist do their best to protect turtles nest. Dozens of turtles are killed by the time breeding season comes. Boat propellers and those who hope to make a profit from the illegal sale of turtle meat are some of the causes. Sea turtles found alive after boating accidents or human attacks are taken to the Miami aquarium where they are treated by Dr. Maya Rodriquez that has about 25 injured turtles. Some turtles have a clipped flipper to a cracked shell or worse one had its insides completely exposed and saved them protection starting at birth is the key to future survival.

my resource for this article was NY times story written by Carmen gentile
published Sep /9 / 09

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