Monday, March 29, 2010

Why polution should be stopped.

By Morgan Dawson

Have you ever seen cans or bottles floating in the water or sitting beside the road? Have you ever wondered how something so small could effect our earth? Well, fish or any aquatic animal suffers greatly from us throwing thrash onto the road or into the water.
Aquatic animals suffer the most because trash beside the road is likely to wash into the water by rain or blown into it by the wind. Also, the animals could mistake trash as food and eat it, then choke on it. Not just aquatic animals are dealing with polution, mammals and birds could easily be trapped. Something like a plastic six-pack rings could get wrapped around the animal and trap it. Wire or plastic could wrap around the poor animal's throat and possibly choke it to death.
We also will reap the consequences of polution. The polution completely destroys our water. Plastic, glass, beer cans, are just a few of the things that float around in our water for years and years at a time. The polution kills off many species of animals that WE eat, that means less fish for us.
I hope you found out how horrible polution is. So, from now on, wait until you see a trash can or a recycling bin to throw you trash away. That's what they're there for, right? When you do this you will be helping aquatic animals and lands animal have a better home.

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